Friday, March 7, 2014

1935 Movie Project: The Golddigger

   Our movie stars Jean Harlow and the Marx Brothers, and is produced by MGM Studios. It's called The Golddigger. In the story, Jean Harlow plays a struggling actress who goes to the bank to get more money when she overhears the bank teller telling the Marx Brothers that they've inherited a large sum of money from their grandfather and her and her boyfriend (played by Willam Powell) hatch a plan to make one of them fall in love with her so she gets their money. It is a screwball comedy, so it mixes the genres of slapstick comedy with physical humor and romantic comedy with the relationship between the Marx Brothers and Jean Harlow. In the end, they spend all their money and she doesn't get what she wanted or to become a successful actress. This goes with the Hays Code because it shows her being punished for doing a bad thing and won't show too many romantic scenes or violence. The message is that even without money in the end, The Marx Brothers are still happy, which shows people during the Great Depression that everything was going to turn out okay. 
    This movie is directed by Leo McCarey, who directed Duck Soup. We thought he would have good experience working with the Marx Brothers and this type of movie to make it the most successful it could be. The cinematography would be by Gregg Toland, who at this point has done The Life of A Hollywood Extra and would soon become famous for Citizen Kane. We thought he held promise to create a great movie. We thought that the combination of MGM actors The Marx Brothers, Jean Harlow and William Powell would create great chemistry and make a really good movie that people would want to see. Our movie was inspired by It Happened One Night, the 1934 Academy Award winner for best picture. 

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